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October 01, 2009



really good stuff

Craig H.

I'm always interested in this discussion. I think introversion is not something that hampers mission, I think that it just looks different than the typical models we see around us. For one, if you have a lower capacity for people, obviously your personal ministry is going to look smaller and more focused than that of an extroverted networker type. It just requires the introvert to really live in the gospel to be okay with that. I've also seen that it is okay to step outside of my wiring sometimes for the sake of the gospel but knowing that I can't live outside of my wiring all the time or I'll crash and burn.

Another thing, whether you're introverted or not, you should be a part of a team of people that are living on mission. I've found that I can bring stability and a lot of other things to the table in a team of extroverts. More role on that team has been more pastoral and less evangelical, but I've made huge indirect contributions to the team just by being faithful and caring for the other members that are more extroverted than me. I've just got to be okay with the fact that the way I spend my time will look differently. I'm still sharing my faith and meeting lost people, just not quite as much as some other folks. I do it because I know I'm called. I also fail to do it because I'm burnt out or I'm just plain anxious about it and can't. It's all gravy. I just try to move forward by the grace of God because it's rewarding to be a part of ushering in a kingdom.

Also, I've tried to help myself out by partnering with guys who are extroverted. I've found that once I've been connected to a group of people, things get a lot easier for me. These are all just some random thoughts I've got. I'd love to hear others.

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