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March 25, 2009


Rick Penney

this is why chicago and its suburbs is the best model i've seen and experienced. many of its "suburbs" are pretty old school and formed around the commuter lines. I lived in wheaton and glen ellyn. both "suburbs" but both have their historic downtown urban feel with historic district homes connected by sidewalks and bus-stops. you can live in the "suburb" and walk to the "downtown" movie theatre, coffee shops, restaurants, churches, post office, barber shop, bank, train station, grocery store (non-bigbox), farmer's market, etc. Need i say more?

Rick Penney

one more thing. the draw-back is that both of these districts and many like them are way too expensive to buy a house (we had a cheap apartment). But when they were developed way back, they were probably financially accessible to the middle-class. New developments should follow suit.

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