I grew up thinking that being spiritual meant having a 'quiet time' - pulling away from life and the world to read the Bible and pray on my own.
Over the past few years, I've grown dissatisfied with the 'quiet time' as a normative rhythm of spirituality. I'll let Tim Chester fill in the blanks - from The Resurgence:
In reality, though, this is spirituality for the well-off. It’s only for those who can afford to go on retreat or have space in their home where they can be quiet. It won’t work for the single mother in a small apartment. It won’t work for the migrant worker who goes to work at six in the morning. It’s not urban spirituality. And it’s not biblical spirituality
Biblical spirituality is about:
- Bible meditation, not mystical silence
- Passionate engagement, not rural retreat
- Growing together, not individual solitude
In other words, biblical spirituality, at its core, is about the word of God, the mission of God, and the community of God.